Mitosis & Meiosis

MITOSIS AND MEIOSIS for my  4º ESO students:

Mitosis in real time (usually, for human cells it takes 80 hours, or even years!)

The Stages of Mitosis (nice 3D animation, first no sound so that they copy the events of each of the mitotic step while observing what happens to the nucleus, chromosomes, chromatids, etc. Then, with explanations) It includes the cell cycle.
(Shorter, cell cycle but not so deep

MITOSIS SONG. Peter Wheatherall (see lyrics at fill in the gaps activity) 

DNA and chromatin compaction and Mitosis till minute 1:42 (afterwards, it explains replication)

Mitosis with your hands. Easy way to remember it!

Mitosis and meiosis: (Nice presentation)

A very complete mitosis and meiosis simulation with beads.

Really good, even though prometaphase is not mentioned. It contains actual images of mitosis.

With Crashcourse Biology you can even replace me as your teacher. Please, don’t!
CrashCourse MITOSIS
CrashCourse MEIOSIS

Comparing MITOSIS & MEIOSIS (but without prometaphase) 

Finally, a curiosity: Mitosis explained with donuts.

And many more at

MITOSIS y MEIOSIS para 1º de Bachillerato:

Pincha aquí para acceder a recursos en inglés.

Esta presentación del IES Poeta Claudio, aunque es un poco antigua y no incluye la prometafase, está muy bien:

Y antes necesitarás repasar conceptos sobre el núcleo y los ácidos nucleicos (cromatina, cromosomas, etc.) por lo que esta otra te servirá muy bien:


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